Ibogaine – Rite of Passage

A Revealing documentary about the most promising treatment modality for drug dependance available. It is the only substance we know, which is capable of blocking acute withdrawal in opioid addicts as well as cocaine and alcohol. Although the FDA decided in 1993 that Ibogaine showed enough signs of being an effective tool in the treatment of addiction, money is the problem; this natural occuring molecule cannot be patented and is not a maintenance drug with addictive properties; reason for the pharmaceutical industry not to invest in its development… Educate yourself about this unique tool!

1 thought on “Ibogaine – Rite of Passage

  1. I tried this with my son and it did NOT work, I was out 600.00 dollars and he was back on drugs eventually commiting a crime and ending up in prison. So no it does not work, I am a hard working person and loosing 600.00 was very bad for me.

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